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English translation for "yomp"

Example Sentences:
1.The most famous yomp of recent times was during the 1982 Falklands War.
Le plus célèbre « yomp » a lieu pendant la guerre des Malouines en 1982.
2.Media coverage of this war saw the term "yomp" become well known and enter general use.
La couverture médiatique de cette guerre a vu le terme « yomp » entrer dans le langage courant au Royaume-Uni.
3.Virgin Games, Inc. published a computer game called Yomp (1983) shortly after the Falklands conflict.
Virgin Games, Inc. a publié le jeu vidéo pour ordinateur Yomp (1983), peu de temps après ma fin de la guerre des Malouines.
4.The song "Yomp" was featured as a downloadable song for the Rock Band series, and "Crazy Tuesday" was featured as one of the 20 free songs that were downloadable with the purchase of Rock Band 2.
La chanson Yomp est téléchargeable pour le jeu Rock Band, et Crazy Tuesday est l'une des 20 chansons téléchargeables gratuitement à l'achat de Rock Band 2.
5.The song "Yomp" was released as a downloadable track for the music video game Rock Band on 29 July 2008, and the song "Crazy Tuesday" was released as one of 20 free songs for Rock Band 2.
Leur chanson Yomp est publiée comme contenu téléchargeable dans le jeu vidéo Rock Band le 29 juillet 2008 et la chanson Crazy Tuesday devient l'une des 20 chansons gratuitement téléchargeables pour Rock Band 2.
6.It is on the line of the Coast to Coast Walk, devised by Alfred Wainwright, Each June there is the "Mallerstang Horseshoe and Nine Standards Yomp" which takes a strenuous route along the high ground along both sides of the neighbouring dale of Mallerstang, including Wild Boar Fell and the summit of nearby Nine Standards Rigg.
Chaque juin se déroule le "Mallerstang Horseshoe and Nine Standards Yomp", qui emprunte un chemin ardu le long des hauteurs des vallons voisins de Mallerstang, notamment Wild boar Fell (colline du sanglier) et Nine Standards Rigg (sommet des neuf cairns).
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