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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

vomique n. vomica, pus-filled cavity...
vomir v. vomit, throw up, be sick
vomissement n. vomiting, vomit
vomissure n. vomit, sick
vomitif adj. vomitive, emetic, of or...
vomitoire adj. vomitory
vonnegut n. vonnegut, family name; ku...
vorace adj. voracious, greedy, rave...
voracement adv. voraciously, ravenously
vortex n. vortex
vortical adj. vortical, of a vortex; ...
vorticelle n. vorticella, one-celled or...
vos pron. your, belonging to you
vosges n. vosges, region in france
votable adj. votable, may be voted o...
votant n. balloter, voter who uses ...
vote n. voting, vote, poll
vote au scrutin secret n. secret ballot
vote contraire n. blackball
vote de confidence n. vote of confidence
vote majoritaire n. majority vote, vote made ...
vote nominal n. roll call vote, voting by...
vote obligatoire n. compulsory vote
vote par correspondance n. postal vote, absentee bal...
vote par procuration n. proxy vote
vote populaire n. popular vote
voter v. vote, cast a vote, poll
voter au scrutin secret v. ballot
voter contre v. vote against
voter pour v. vote for
voter socialiste v. vote socialist
voteur n. voter, one who casts a ba...
votif adj. votive, given or dedica...
votre pron. your, belonging to you
votre atesse n. your highness
votre excellence n. your excellency
votre serviteur n. your humble servant
vouer v. devote, vow
vouge n. hedge bill, billhook havi...
vouloir v. want, desire, intend; wil...
vouloir bien faire v. be willing to do
vouloir dire v. mean
voulu adj. required, requisite, de...
vous pron. you, you all
vous me comprenez do you get me
vous permettez do you mind?
vous tous all of you
voussure n. arch, vault (architecture...
vouvoyer v. address in the formal
voyage n. journey, trip, travel; to...
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