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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

vide adj. empty, blank; vacant, h...
vide de la conversation n. inanity of the conversati...
vide juridique n. legal vacuum
vide-ordure n. rubbish chute
vide-poches n. tidy, glove box, organize...
vider v. empty, clean; draw, pull;...
vider qqn v. fire, dismiss from a job;...
vider son verre v. drink up
videur n. cleaner; bouncer; bailer
vidigraphe n. kinescope, picture tube, ...
vie n. life, lifetime; living, b...
vie associative n. community life
vie dans les camps n. camp life
vie de bonheur n. lifetime of happiness
vie de famille n. domesticity, homeliness
vie de marin n. seafaring
vie dure n. hard life
vie familiale n. domesticity
vie future n. future life, hereafter
vie nocturne n. night life
vie politique n. political life
vie professionnelle n. professional life
vie scolaire n. school life
vie sexuelle n. sex life
vie terrestre n. life on earth
vieil adj. old
vieil homme n. old man, grey-haired, gra...
vieil or n. old gold
vieillard n. old man, elderly gentlema...
vieille n. old woman
vieille bagnole n. tin lizzie
vieille bique n. crone
vieille chouette n. hag
vieille dame n. dame
vieille femme n. goody, gammer, crone, old...
vieille fille n. spinster, unmarried woman...
vieille fripouille n. son of a gun, rotten pers...
vieille guimbarde n. ramshackle old car
vieille harpie n. harridan, old harpy, hag
vieille rosse n. crock
vieillerie n. old-fashioned thing, old-...
vieilles fortunes n. old money
vieilles nippes n. cast offs
vieillesse n. old age, elderly period o...
vieilli adj. old fashioned, outmoded...
vieillir v. age, grow older
vieillissant adj. aging, growing older
vieillissement n. aging, growing older; cli...
vieillot adj. antiquated, out-of-date...
vienne n. vienna, capital of austri...
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