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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

virement bancaire n. transfer
virement de fonds n. transfer of funds
virer v. turn, change position; ch...
virer au rouge v. turn red
virer au vert v. turn green
virer de bord v. change, make change, beco...
virer du travail v. fire from job
virer qqn v. give someone the bounce
virevolter v. wheel, whirl, spin round
virgile n. virgil, publius vergilius...
virginal adj. maidenly, pristine, vir...
virginia apgar n. virginia apgar (1909-1974...
virginia woolf n. virginia woolf (1882-1941...
virginie n. virginia; state on the ea...
virginien n. virginian, resident of vi...
virgule n. point, comma, decimal poi...
viril adj. manly, virile, masculin...
virilement adv. manfully, courageously
virilisant adj. making more masculine
virilisation n. virilization, abnormal de...
viriliser v. make more masculine
virilisme n. virilism, appearance of m...
virole n. ferrule, ring shaped rein...
virologie n. virology, branch of scien...
virologique adj. virologic, of virology,...
virologue n. virologist, expert of vir...
virose n. virosis, viral infection
virtuel adj. virtual, imaginary; hyp...
virtuellement adv. virtually, in essence, ...
virtuose n. virtuoso, musical perform...
virucide n. virucide, substance that ...
virulence n. virulence; scurrility; ma...
virulent adj. virulent, vicious, fier...
virus n. virus, microorganism whic...
vis n. screw, metal fastener wit...
vis de blocage n. locking screw
vis de fixation n. fixing screw
visa n. visa, permit for entering...
visa de sortie n. exit visa
visage n. face, countenance, visage
visage impassible n. poker face, facial expres...
visage pale n. paleface
visage poupin n. baby face
visage terreux n. paleface
visagiste n. beautician, one who gives...
viscose n. viscose, rayon, artificia...
viser v. aim, intend; aim for; rel...
viser et parapher v. stamp, mark, imprint; vis...
viser qqn v. be aimed at someone
viseur n. sight, viewer, viewfinder...
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