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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

vibrer v. vibrate, throb, twang, th...
vibreur n. vibrator, trembler
vibrion n. vibrio, any of a number o...
vibriose n. vibriosis, venereal disea...
vibrisse n. vibrissa, stiff sensory h...
vicaire n. vicar, curate, priest who...
vicarial adj. vicarial, of or related...
vicariat n. vicariate, office or posi...
vice pref. vice
vice versa adv. vice versa
vice-amiral n. vice-admiral, rear admira...
vice-consul n. vice consul, deputy consu...
vice-roi n. viceroy
vicennal adj. vigesimal, of or counte...
vichy n. vichy, city in central fr...
vichyssoise n. vichyssoise, creamy soup ...
viciateur adj. vitiator, one who damag...
viciation n. vitiation, weakening, cor...
vicier v. pollute; taint, vitiate; ...
vicieux adj. vicious, wicked, deprav...
vicissitudes n. vicissitude, unpredictabl...
vicky n. vicky, female first name ...
vicomte n. viscount, nobleman below ...
vicomtesse n. viscountess, aristocratic...
victime n. victim, casualty, suffere...
victimes n. casualties
victimes de la dictature n. victims of the dictatorsh...
victimes de la torture n. torture victims
victimes du sida n. aids victims
victimisation n. victimization, becoming a...
victoire n. victory, triumph; success...
victoire aux points n. point win
victoire facile n. walkover, walkaway, easy ...
victoire militaire n. military triumph
victor n. victor, male first name; ...
victor franz hess n. victor franz hess (1883-1...
victoria n. victoria, female first na...
victorianisme n. victorianism, character o...
victorien adj. victorian, from the tim...
victorieuse n. victorious
victorieusement adv. victoriously, triumphan...
victorieux adj. victorious, winning, tr...
victuailles n. victuals
vicugna n. vicuna, silky-fleeced rum...
vidage n. emptying, cleaning, drain
vidal n. vidal, family name
vidange n. emptying, plug
vidanger v. empty, drain
vidanges n. sewage, liquid waste
vidangeur n. nightman, scavenger
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