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English translation for "ima"

arabic world instituteima (institut du monde arabe)
Example Sentences:
1.1985 "Shinsekai: Mukashi mo ima mo".
1985 Shinsekai: Mukashi mo ima mo.
2.Shinsekai: Mukashi mo ima mo (新世界 むかしも今も).
1971-77. (ja) Shinsekai: Mukashi mo ima mo (新世界 むかしも今も?).
3.Ima Shalom is mentioned by name in four traditions.
Ima Shalom est mentionnée dans quatre traditions des prophètes,,.
4.Hogg never married, and died in 1975.
Ima Hogg ne se maria jamais et mourut en 1975.
5.Papua-jin: Ima seki-jidai ni ikiru (パプア人 いま石器時代に生きる).
Sur le Cambodge. (ja) Papua-jin: Ima seki-jidai ni ikiru (パプア人 いま石器时代に生きる?).
6.Bayou Bend is the former home of Houston philanthropist Ima Hogg.
Bayou Bend est l'ancienne demeure de la philanthrope Ima Hogg.
7.They are now being represented by the Werewolf Heart label.
Ima Robot joue à présent sous le label Werewolf Heart label.
8.Hana was also used as the ending theme for the movie Ima, Ai ni Yukimasu.
Il a été utilisé pour être le thème du film Ima, Ai ni Yukimasu.
9.Another Man's Treasure is the third album by Ima Robot.
Another Man's Treasure Albums de Ima Robot Another Man's Treasure est le troisième album du groupe Ima Robot.
10.Another Man's Treasure is the third album by Ima Robot.
Another Man's Treasure Albums de Ima Robot Another Man's Treasure est le troisième album du groupe Ima Robot.
Similar Words:
"im soo-hyang" English translation, "im soo-jeong" English translation, "im tirtzu" English translation, "im wartesaal zum großen glück" English translation, "im won-hee" English translation, "ima (chanteuse)" English translation, "ima hogg" English translation, "ima ni my life" English translation, "ima robot" English translation