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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

glyptographie n. glyptics, the description...
gmt greenwich mean time, time at...
gnangnan adj. (informal) namby pamby,...
gneiss n. gneiss, rock made up of l...
gnian gnian adj. namby pamby
gnl lng, liquefied natural gas, ...
gnocchi n. gnocchi
gnome n. gnome, one of a number of...
gnomique adj. gnomic, characterized b...
gnon n. (informal) wallop, dent
gnose n. gnosis, mystical knowledg...
gnosticisme n. gnosticism, group of here...
gnou n. gnu, type of oxlike afric...
go lwgo (grandes ondes)title ...
goal n. goal, aim, target
goaleur n. goalkeeper, goalie, one w...
goan n. goan, family name
gobe-mouche n. gnatcatcher, small songbi...
gobe-mouches n. fly catcher, type of bird...
gobelet n. beaker, tumbler; cup, mug...
gobelet en carton n. paper cup
gobelet jetable n. paper cup, disposable cup
gobeleterie n. glassware, items made fro...
gobelins n. gobelin
gober v. swallow
gobeur n. gulper, one who gulps, on...
gobi n. gobi, desert located in n...
gobie n. goby
godard n. godard, family name; jean...
godasse n. shoe, protective covering...
goder v. pucker, purse
godet n. jar, cup, bucket; godet (...
godfrey n. godfrey, family name; tow...
godiche adj. lumpish, gawky, silly, ...
godille n. (informal) dodgy
godiller v. scull, row a boat
godiva n. godiva (c. 1040-1080), en...
godronner v. mill; goffer; flute, form...
godwin n. godwin, family name; male...
godzila n. godzilla, huge dinosaur-l...
goebbels n. goebbels, family name; pa...
goedel n. goedel, family name; kurt...
goering n. goering, family name; her...
goeth n. goeth, family name (form ...
goethe n. goethe, family name; joha...
goethien adj. goethian, goethean, of ...
gogh n. gogh, family name; vincen...
gogo n. (derogatory) sucker, pats...
goguenard adj. mocking, jeering, mimic...
goinfre adj. piggish, hoggishn. glut...
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