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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

glasgow n. glasgow, city and seaport...
glaucomateux adj. glaucomatous, suffering...
glaucome n. glaucoma (ophthalmology),...
glauconite n. glauconite, a green miner...
glauque adj. glaucous
glendale n. glendale, name of a numbe...
glenn n. glenn, male first name; f...
glenn seaborg n. glenn seaborg (1912-1999)...
glenwood n. glenwood, city in iowa (u...
gliadine n. gliadin, substance derive...
glial adj. glial
gliome n. glioma, tumor of the brai...
glissade n. gliding, slipping; slide,...
glissage n. slide, landslide; ski tra...
glissando n. glissando, gliding effect...
glissant adj. slippery, sliding; roll...
glissement n. sliding, gliding, slippin...
glissement de terrain n. landslip, landslide
glisser v. slide along, slip down, s...
glisseur n. glider, slider
glissoire n. slide
global adj. global, overall, total,...
globalement adv. overall, in general
globalisation n. globalization, becoming u...
globaliser v. globalize, make worldwide
globalisme n. globalism, internationali...
globe n. globe, world, glass case,...
globe oculaire n. eye ball
globe terrestre n. earth
globe trotter n. globetrotter
globine n. globin, protein contained...
globulaire adj. globular, ball
globulairement adv. globularly, in the form...
globule n. globule, small globe
globule blanc n. white blood cells, minusc...
globules rouges n. red cells
globuleux adj. protruding
globuline n. globulin, type of protein...
gloire n. glory, kudos, fame; prais...
glome n. glomus, small globular bo...
glomus n. glomus, small globular bo...
gloria n. gloria, female first name
gloria steinem n. gloria steinem (born 1934...
glorieux adj. glorious, lustrous, pal...
glorificateur adj. glorifying, praising, h...
glorification n. glorification, celebrity,...
glorifier v. glorify, praise, celebrat...
glos n. glos, family name
glose n. gloss
glose marginale n. marginal notes, comments ...
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