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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

giuseppe verdi n. giuseppe verdi (1813-1901...
givors n. givors, city in france
givrage n. icing, glaze
givre n. frost, hoarfrost
givrer v. frost, rime, ice up
givrure n. icy fleck
glabelle n. glabella, flat bone betwe...
glabre adj. smooth, glabrous, hairl...
glace n. ice; frosting, icing; ice...
glace de basilic n. basilisk glance
glace flottante n. floe
glacer v. chill, freeze; glaze; ice...
glaceux adj. flawed, defective, impe...
glaciaire adj. glacial, of or covered ...
glacial adj. icy, freezing, frosty; ...
glaciation n. gelidity, freezing cold, ...
glacier n. glacier, very large mass ...
glaciologie n. glaciology, scientific st...
glaciologue n. glaciologist, one who spe...
gladiateur n. gladiator, armed man who ...
gladstone n. gladstone, family name; w...
gladys n. gladys, female first name
glagolitique adj. glagolitic, pertaining ...
glaire n. glair, egg white; phlegm ...
glaireux adj. glairy, resembling egg ...
glairure n. glair, egg white; mucus, ...
glaise n. clay, type of soil used t...
glaiseux adj. clayey
glaive n. sword, two-edged sword
glamour n. splendor, magnificence; g...
glamoureux adj. glamorous
gland n. acorn, tassel, glans
glande n. gland, secreting organ or...
glande pituitaire n. pituitary gland
glande salivaire n. salivary gland, one of th...
glande sudoripare n. sweat gland
glander v. (slang) loaf about, screw...
glandes endocrines n. endocrine glands (medicin...
glandiforme adj. glandiform
glandouiller v. overflow, slop
glandulaire adj. glandular, relating to ...
glanduleux adj. glandulous, of or perta...
glaner v. glean, gather
glaneur n. gleaner
glanure n. gleanings, things acquire...
glapir v. bark, squeak, yelp
glapissant adj. yelping
glapissement n. yelping, bark, barking
glaris n. glaris, glarus, a canton ...
glas n. toll, knell, mournful rin...
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