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English translation for "鬓骨"


Related Translations:
:  名词(面颊两旁近耳的头发) sideburns; temples 短语和例子两鬓斑白 greying at the temples; 霜鬓 grey [hoary] temples; 银鬓 silver-grey temples
银鬓:  silver grey temples
霜鬓:  grey temples
卷鬓:  tendrils
斑鬓:  grey headed
鬓脚:  sideburns
曲鬓:  tortuous sideburns
鬓螺属:  phalium
雾鬓风鬟:  beautiful tresses of a woman
鬓乱钗横:  unkempt appearance after sleep and before makeup -- said of a woman
Example Sentences:
1.The scene was over in two minutes ; catherine , released , put her two hands to her temples , and looked just as if she were not sure whether her ears were off or on
2.Mr heathcliff paused and wiped his forehead ; his hair clung to it , wet with perspiration ; his eyes were fixed on the red embers of the fire , the brows not contracted , but raised next the temples ; diminishing the grim aspect of his countenance , but imparting a peculiar look of trouble , and a painful appearance of mental tension towards one absorbing subject
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