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English translation for ""

(面颊两旁近耳的头发) sideburns; temples 短语和例子

Related Translations:
银鬓:  silver grey temples
霜鬓:  grey temples
卷鬓:  tendrils
斑鬓:  grey headed
鬓骨:  temples
鬓脚:  sideburns
曲鬓:  tortuous sideburns
鬓螺属:  phalium
雾鬓风鬟:  beautiful tresses of a woman
鬓乱钗横:  unkempt appearance after sleep and before makeup -- said of a woman
Example Sentences:
1.My lord steyne, with garter and ribbon, with a bald head and shining eyes, and a collar of red whiskers round his face, always looked grand upon an occasion of state .
2.Her hair has been badly cut and the ends are uneven
3.The hair besides her temple was decorated with dazzling jades and pearls
4.For the fringes , use clips to tighten up and where possible hide completely inside the hat
5.Word chulaw we packing men like lollapalooza from here to havana , cuba then puerto rico en scooter
6.And when he came into her tent , behold , sisera lay dead , and the nail was in his temples
7.Behind the glitter and glamour of a wedding reception held at a luxurious six - star hotel on a stormy evening , . .
衣香影背后发生了一宗神秘凶案,警方毫无头绪,破案最大的希望只有当晚唯一目击证人伴娘子清. .
8.Bright lights and the rest of all capture our imagination of old shanghai and enable us to enjoy food happily
9.He stands about 1 . 55 metres and is of medium build and dark complexion . he has a square face , small eyes , and short black hair with white sideburns
10.The police had yet to find a way to track down the perpetrator . their only lead , the lone eyewitness at the scene , was bridesmaid chi ching played by angelica lee
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