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English translation for "非法运输"

illegal traffic

Related Translations:
非法组合:  forbidden combinationillegal combinationunused combination
非法性质:  illegal nature
非法投资:  non legal investment
非法解雇:  unfair dismissalwrongful dismissal
非法指令:  disable instructionillegal i tructionillegal instructioninstruction, illegalunallowable instruction
非法聚赌:  illegal gambling
非法操作:  illegal operation
非法分红:  illegal dividend
非法享用:  adverse enjoyment
非法付款:  illegal payments
Example Sentences:
1.You ' re under arrest for the importation and sale of contraband firearms
2.An example of bootlegging is the illegal traffic of hand - rolling tobacco between belgium and the united kingdom
3.Illicit trafficking of radioactive materials will result in serious threaten to society in the case of nuclear and radiological terrorism
4.This article introduces the process and requirements of detection set by iaea in the light of the need for detection , setting of investigation levels and alarm threshold , selection of instrument , location and evaluation of radioactive materials
5.Whoever illegally transports or carries guns into or out of the territory of china shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the supplementary provisions of the standing committee of the national people ' s congress concerning the punishment of the crimes of smuggling
6.Fourth , frighten with illegal transportation operation and the markets of vehicles maintenance , enhance the management of the enterprises 、 tools and employees of dangerous cargo . regulated the activates of transportation enterprises
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