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English translation for "非法操作"

illegal operation

Related Translations:
非法组合:  forbidden combinationillegal combinationunused combination
非法性质:  illegal nature
非法投资:  non legal investment
非法解雇:  unfair dismissalwrongful dismissal
非法指令:  disable instructionillegal i tructionillegal instructioninstruction, illegalunallowable instruction
非法聚赌:  illegal gambling
非法运输:  bootleggingillegal traffic
非法分红:  illegal dividend
非法享用:  adverse enjoyment
非法付款:  illegal payments
Example Sentences:
1.But the cctv was rigged with a fluctuating log - on , and -
2.But the cctv was rigged with a fluctuating log - on , and - -
但是cctv有时候会发生非法操作的错误还有. .
3.But the cctv was rigged with a fluctuating log - on , and - -
但是cctv有时候会发生非法操作的错误还有. .
4.Mister kerviel was charged with breach of trust and illegal computer activity
5.The user requested an illegal operation , such as spawning a class from an instance
6.The justice department has charged the five with operating illegally as venezuelan government agents
7.It can not only cope with external attacks but also detect the misuse of the legitimate users
8.For example , a user might perform an illegal operation in a system without the ability to trace the prohibited operations
9.Application isolation in this context is fundamentally about preventing the illicit actions of one application from harming another
10.For example , if your program attempts to perform an illegal operation , such as converting a non - numeric string to a numeric value , a run - time error occurs
例如,如果程序试图执行非法操作(如将一个非数值字符串转换为一个数值) ,就会发生运行时错误。
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