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English translation for "防卫军"

defense force

Related Translations:
防卫态度:  defence attitude
防卫手段:  security
防卫素:  sozin
秘密防卫:  secret defensesecret défense
国土防卫:  home defence
防卫过当:  unjustifiable self-defe eunjustifiable self-defense
精神防卫:  psychic defense
防卫晚报:  evening argus
防卫武器:  defensive weapon
假想防卫:  imaginative defe eimaginative defense
Example Sentences:
1.Techpriests must be protected , for they are men steeped in lore , who have spent many years training in order to keep the war machines of the guard rumbling ever forward
2.Had the bridges across the tiber been destroyed , as the head of the defense force , de ceri , had advised , we might have trapped them in the trastevere and held them off for long enough to regroup into some kind of fighting force
Similar Words:
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