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English translation for "重大打击"

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Related Translations:
重大的:  commenceearnesteventfulfatefulgrandgravegreatgrossheftyhigh summerimportantlife-and-deathmajormaterialmemorablemomentousserioussignificantsolemnsubstantialweighty
重大责任:  weighty responsibility
重大交易:  major transactionmajortra actionsubstantial transaction
重大因素:  principle
重大故障:  significant trouble
重大障碍:  crucial barrier
重大损害:  material damage
重大评论:  grande revue
重大错误:  error in substantiagro errors,gross errorsgross mistakematerial error
重大过失:  aggravated negligencecareless and inadvertent negligenceculpa lataculpable negligencegrievous faultgross negligencelata culpamagna culpamagna negligentiamagnaculpa
Example Sentences:
1.- i don ' t believe it . that was a terrible call for colt . - no
2.Evert i don ' t believe it . that was a terrible call for colt . - no
3.Take suffer a heavy blow
4.The ruling is a setback for groups that advocate the medicinal uses of marijuana
5.Since then much of the business has shifted to china , dealing a hard blow to the south korean shoe industry
6.It deals a massive blow to his credibility as a tough man with tough policies that can bring russians security
7.Two months into his term , however , there was a shock : black monday , on oct . 19th , 1987 , the stock market had the worst day in its history
然而,在他上任两个月时, 1987年的10月19日,一个重大打击也来临了,黑色星期一,是股票市场上最糟糕的一天。
8.Day - today changes tend to be small , and even after a serious blow or boost , a person ' s self - esteem score returns to its previous level within a relatively short time
9.Dell ' s reluctance to hold inventory was briefly overridden in 1989 , when the company bought millions of extra memory chips in an attempt to stay ahead of an expected shortage
10.Mr fletcher ' s main challenger in the primary , anne northup , has one big strike against her : she lost her own re - election bid in november , when she was swept out of congress
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