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English translation for "连任总统"

be reelected president

Related Translations:
连任:  be reappointed or reelected consecutively; renew one's term of office 短语和例子连任部长 be reappointed minister; 连任总统 be reelected president; 连任受托人 continuing trustee
获选连任:  get reelected
连任部长:  be reappointed minister
竞选连任:  re election
寻求连任:  seek reelection to
争取连任委员会:  re-election committee
连任受托人:  continuing trustee
连任总统就职演讲词:  second inaugural address
布什总统连任就职演说:  the second inaugural address of george w. bush
连任两届的人:  two termer
Example Sentences:
1.He was elected to a second presidency
2.General musharraf means to get re - elected as president by the current parliament
3.Every president of the united states takes an oath to preserve , protect and defend the nation they serve
来到最后一集《总统的抉择》 ,在第二次世界大战期间,罗斯福再度连任总统
4.Current and former white house colleagues paid tribute to rove as the key strategist in helping mr . bush win the presidency twice
5.In return , miss bhutto ordered her party not to resign from the parliament when general musharraf got himself re - elected president by its members ? in uniform , though the constitution seems to forbid it ? the following day
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