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English translation for "获选连任"

get reelected

Related Translations:
获选者:  chosen onethe chosen
获选新秀:  draft pick
获选的:  co-optative
连任:  be reappointed or reelected consecutively; renew one's term of office 短语和例子连任部长 be reappointed minister; 连任总统 be reelected president; 连任受托人 continuing trustee
投票获选的:  co optative
连任总统:  be reelected president
连任部长:  be reappointed minister
竞选连任:  re election
寻求连任:  seek reelection to
Example Sentences:
1.He was elected to a second presidency
2.Mr donald tsang s remarks on result of the third term chief executive election with photos and video
3.Prof . john lee has been re - elected dean of education for three years from 1st august 2006
4.He earned high respect from his fellow alumni and has been continuously elected president of the alumni association of united college since 1972 , a position which he has been holding for over 30 years . he was also three time president of the federation of alumni associations of cuhk , and is a director of its subsidiary education foundation
Similar Words:
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