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English translation for "违禁"

[ wéijìn ] 
violate a ban
◇违禁贸易 illicit trade; contraband of trade; 违禁品 contraband (goods)

Related Translations:
违禁火:  actionable fire
违禁药物:  illegal substance
违禁物品:  article of contrabandarticles of contrabandforbidden objectsprohibited goodsverbotene waren
违禁渔业:  prohibition fishery
违禁药品:  banned drug
违禁货物:  offensive cargoprohibited cargo
违禁图画:  objectionable picture
违禁贸易:  contraband of tradecontraband tradeillicit trade
违禁文献:  objectionable literature
违禁药品检验:  drugs test
Example Sentences:
1.Later, nim would learn the procedure was prohibited .
2.One of the most dangerous illegal narcotics in use today is opium .
3." push " is informal and is used for the selling of illegal drugs .
4.Smugglers " run " guns , drugs and other prohibited dangerous items between countries , possibly as a regular activity .
5.Have decreed an acceleration in the crackdown on offenders
6.Have decreed an acceleration in the crackdown on offenders
7.He makes a lot of money by traffic illicit merchandise
8.Addressing the welfare of officers deterring illegal drug use
9.At first , i thought perhaps emily had taken illegal drugs
10.The use and supply of illegal drugs by officers
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