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English translation for "远离家门"

away from home

Related Translations:
走出家门周游世界:  going out to see the whole world
远离:  far away; aloof 短语和例子远离家乡 far away from one's native village; 居住在远离这儿的地方 live far away from here; 这小女孩在晚会上一直胆怯地远离人群。 the girl kept herself timidly aloof from the crowd
远离家园:  far and away
远离梦想:  beyond my dreams
远离愤怒:  don’t let anger get the best of you
远离汽车站:  far from the bus stop
远离越南:  loin du vietnam
远离尘嚣:  escapefar from the madding crowd
远离点:  point of distance
远离恐惧:  fearless
Example Sentences:
1.Kindness goes a long way lots of times when it ought to stay at home
2.Now we take them far away from home and let them go on a sunny day
3.But he restrained himself , inhaling deeply , tightening his lips . in the kitchen , the boy seemed lost , bewildered , imprisoned . looking at his brother , he began to cry softly
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