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English translation for "进程管理"

management of processes
process management
process manager

Related Translations:
代理进程:  agent process
职业进程:  test the career ladder
操作系统进程:  operating system processspid
进程产生:  process creation
加速进程:  expedite proceedings
全进程:  full process
进程外:  oopout-of-process
进程关联:  process context
进程内:  in-process
日常进程:  daily course
Example Sentences:
1.A system of automatic start and process management tools
2.Gets or sets a value indicating whether external process management is exposed
3.Component to accomplish most windows process management tasks quickly and easily
4.Gets or sets a value indicating whether self - affecting process management is exposed
5.Explains the process of creating a component to automate administrative tasks for windows processes
6.The jmx remote standard extends jmx to allow external client processes to manage an application
Jmx remote标准扩展了jmx ,允许外部客户进程管理应用程序。
7.Powerful process management functions , with other similar software not available in a variety of functions
8.The mows specification allows integration of management with web services - based business applications and processes
9.Paper mainly discussed the architecture of linux system , process management and improving on the linux real time feature
10.2 . discussing about the procedure management of distributed system , bringing forward a set of integrated designing theme
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