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English translation for "代理进程"

agent process

Related Translations:
代理行:  agencyagent bankscollecting bankcor. correspodentcorrespondantcorrespondent bank
文献代理:  literature agents
代理母亲:  mother surrogatesurrogate motherhood
代理债务:  agency liability
船舶代理:  local shipping agent
有权代理:  authorized agency
代理送达:  service by substitution
全权代理:  general agency
超级代理:  superagent
Example Sentences:
1.The service runs in its own process , and is not dependent upon the sql server agent process
此服务在它自己的进程中运行,不依赖于sql server代理进程
2.Stopping the agent service stops any agent processes and stops any tests running on that agent
3.The module application proxy includes http proxy and a general proxy . the former is realized by squid , and the later is implemented by a proxy process
在应用代理模块中实现了http代理和一个通用代理服务, http代理是基于squid实现,而通用代理由一个代理进程来实现的。
4.The fault management subsystem adopts foreground and background structure , and the background ’ s architecture is designed client / server ( c / s ) , the foreground is designed an agent program stationed in embedded os of ne entity main
故障管理系统采用前后台结构,其中后台采用了客户机/服务器( c / s )的网络体系结构,前台为驻留在网元实体上主处理器单板( mp )嵌入式操作系统上一个代理进程
5.In sl - soap , we first decompose a logical agent into several processes named ou and ots respectively , and propose an optimal method to deposit the processes of multiple avm sessions in multicast network nodes . the control messages and transition statuses of sl - soap are defined and designed in details
6.Ids data collection based on cve adopts one kind of data packet capturing / filtering mechanism , putting forward one technology that builds proxy process , namely data packet filter , which promote the operation capability of the system , and thereby is able to cope with network attack more efficiently , and extend administrator ' s security management capability , enhance the integrality of security base structure
Similar Words:
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