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English translation for "运送费"

[ yùnsòngfèi ]
delivery hire
freight expenses
shipping charge

Related Translations:
直升机运送:  helilift
运送线路:  ferry connection
运送能力:  transport capacitytransporting power
运送终点:  shipping terminal
国内运送:  domestic shipment
运送的:  carrying
运送货物:  forwarding
运送流:  transporting stream
运送单位:  transport unit
运送伤员:  transport the wounded
Example Sentences:
1.Buyers should also pay close attention to the terms and conditions of sale , such as whether there are any hidden extras in the form of delivery costs
2.The superbeginner has all the benefits of the beginner class including cheaper travel rates by taxi and no loss of exp in the event of dying ! but there ' s more
3.The shipper will be responsible for payment of all charges , including , but not limited to , forwarding , disposal , or return transportation charges , as well as any duty and tax , if applicable
寄件人将负责支付所有费用,包括但不限于转发、处置或退回运送费以及任何税收(如适用) 。
Similar Words:
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