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English translation for "过励"

[电工] overexcite

Related Translations:
石励:  richard campbell smith
并励:  [电学] shunt excitation◇并励磁场 shunt field; 并励电动机 shunt motor; shunt generator; 并励电机 shunt-excited machine; 并励发电机 shunt generator; shunt dynamo; 并励绕组 shunt winding; 并励特性电动机 motor with shunt ch
欠励的:  underexcited
励启杰:  kai git lai
方励图:  ron floto
自复励:  elf compound excitation
满载励磁:  full excitationfull fieldfull load excitationfull-load excitation
并励继电器:  shunt-field relay
冲护励:  impact exciationimpact excitationimpulse excitationshock excitationshockexcitation
励磁伏安:  excitation volt-ampere
Example Sentences:
1.At present , differential protection is often used as the main protection for traction transformers . however , the existing of certain factors , such as magnetizing inrush , over - excitation , ct saturation and mismatching of ct ratio , will result in that it is hard to distinguish state current and fault current , and differential protection misoperation or maloperation , then secure operation of electric railways system will be threatened
目前,牵引变压器通常采用差动保护作为主保护,但是在某些因数的影响下差动保护并不能准确的区分牵引变压器内部故障或非内部故障,如故障电流与变压器处于励磁涌流、过励磁, ct饱和及ct变比不匹配等情况下的状态电流就很难准确的区分,可能造成保护误动或拒动,从而危及整个铁道电气化系统的安全运行。
2.In accordance with the driving characteristics of ac driving locomotive , the working status of its traction transformer is analysed . the questions that should be considered in the traction transformer design of ac driving locomotive are mentioned . these questions are the large short - circuit impedance of traction winding , higher harmonic current , over - excitation and dc magnetization caused by large variation of the network voltage , etc . some disposal methods are given
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