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English translation for "评聘分开"

separation of evaluation and appointment on professional titles

Related Translations:
评聘:  empoly
分开旅行:  original name-black black heartvs david usher ―― black black heart
分开算:  separate checks
分开的:  detacheddisclocseddiscretedivideddividingdividualpartedpartingseparateseparatingseparative
分开地:  apartdiscretelydividuallyseparately
分开我们:  tearing us apart
分开居住:  live apart
左右分开:  divide right and left
分开弹簧:  cut out springcut-out spring
分开头:  separate head
Example Sentences:
1.Reflections on separating the appraisement and engagement of professional titles
2.Ideology politics work in separating appraisal and appointment of health professional title
3.Study on the separation of evaluation and engagement , and level differential management on nursing manpower resource
4.In order to resolve these problems , we have made thorough studies about the research achievements on the teacher employment at home and abroad ; about the successful experiences of the developed western countries such as the united states of america and the great britain as well as about the successful practices carried out by the schools in the developed cities in china . based on the thorough studies , we have put forward our conceptions about the further reform of the teacher employment system carried out in the primary and middle schools in the rural regions . that is , the conception about the aims for the reform ; the conception about the contents for the reform and the conception about the model - the dynamic full contract employment system
针对目前农村中小学教师聘任制改革过程中存在的问题,通过研究国内外教育家有关中小学教师聘任制方面的研究成果,西方美英等发达国家中小学实施教师聘任制的成功经验以及中国发达地区中小学实施教师聘任制的改革实践,本文提出了农村中小学深化教师聘任制改革的阶段性目标、深化改革的内容、教师聘任制的模式? ?动态全员合同聘任制,以及推行教师聘任制的配套改革:全面实施教师资格证书制度是推行动态全员合同聘任制的条件;实施教师人事代理制是推行动态全员合同聘任制的难点;教师职务评聘分开是推行动态全员合同聘任制的重要环节;公式拨款、工资总包干是推行动态全员合同聘任制的关键;完善社会保障体系是推行动态全员合同聘任制的重要保障;分析了深化改革过程中骨干教师流失的原因并提出了解决这些问题的对策。
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