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English translation for "自导鱼雷"

homing torpado

Related Translations:
鱼雷排水量:  torpedo displacement
鱼雷潜艇:  torpedo submarine
火箭鱼雷:  rocket torpedo
鱼雷武器:  torpedo weapon
鱼雷三角形:  distance triangle of torpedo
鱼雷炮艇:  torpedo gunboat
鱼雷附件:  torpedo accessories
鱼雷期:  torpedo stage
鱼雷制动器:  torpedo stop
投鱼雷:  billiard
Example Sentences:
1.Specification for underwater transducer of homing torpedo
2.A method to calculate trajectory length of anti - submarine homing torpedo
3.The trajectory of antisubmarine homing torpedo is a complex space curve , so there is big limitation in accounting its trajectory length by plane geometry
4.In this paper , a space model of antisubmarine homing torpedo ' s trajectory has been established based on the surface warship attacking underwater target , a formula which can be used to calculate the trajectory length of antisubmarine horning torpedo is also given
Similar Words:
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