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English translation for "鱼雷武器"

torpedo weapon

Related Translations:
鱼雷排水量:  torpedo displacement
鱼雷潜艇:  torpedo submarine
火箭鱼雷:  rocket torpedo
鱼雷三角形:  distance triangle of torpedo
鱼雷炮艇:  torpedo gunboat
鱼雷附件:  torpedo accessories
鱼雷期:  torpedo stage
鱼雷制动器:  torpedo stop
投鱼雷:  billiard
核弹头鱼雷:  nuclear-warhead torpedo
Example Sentences:
1.Study on operational effectiveness of submarine torpedo weaponsystem under the support of military satellite system
2.And it can automatically calculate the finding probability after setting correctly random error and simulation times . 4
通过随机误差设置和统计次数选择, igts能自动给出鱼雷武器系统各项作战性能指标如命中概率等统计结果。
3.The designing method on visualized and integrated simulation environment of torpedo weapon system , namely integrated general torpedo simulator ( igts ) , is put forward
三、提出了一种鱼雷武器系统可视化一体化仿真环境(集成通用鱼雷模拟器igts )的设计方法。
4.5 . the torpedo weapon distributed interactive simulation system based on distributed interactive simulation ( dis ) protocol is established , in which vr - link is the developing tool
五、建立了以vr - link为开发工具、基于dis协议的鱼雷武器分布交互仿真系统。
5.The thermodynamic propulsion system is the central part of torpedo . its performance is the key of tactical and technical requirement to modern torpedo . so it is necessary to pay more attention to the thermodynamic propulsion system in torpedo research
6.Igts is by means of normalized designing of torpedo ' s main model , standardized and visualized designing of interface , and backing of database technology . the integrated and automatized function of modeling , simulation and statistic comes true in igts
7.The dissertation , adopting the advanced simulation theory and computer technology , concentrates on integrated designing , programming of toolkit and realizing of distributed interactive simulation system in the torpedo weapon simulation
8.Based on the modern theories of effectiveness and operational effectiveness of weapon system , this paper provides the definition and content structure of operational effectiveness for torpedo weapon system , and gives every index of operational effectiveness and corresponding models
9.So the dissertation clarified the hypotaxis between torpedo system and torpedo weapon system firstly , then expatiated the evaluation elements , evaluation characteristics , generic contents , generic process and the station in the process of torpedo investigation . 2
10.The present situation of study is also provided . first , this paper provides several evaluation methods of operational effectiveness for torpedo weapon system , such as analytic hierarchy process ( ahp ) , fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and new gray & fuzzy comprehensive evaluation , from the angle of project managing
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