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English translation for "自命不凡的人"

a little tin god
i-love-me fellow
stuffed shirt

Related Translations:
自命不凡:  pride oneself on being out of the ordinary; assume [give oneself] great airs; be very much conceited; consider oneself above the crowd; consider oneself an exceptional person [no ordinary
自命不凡的:  chichipretentiousself-glorifyingsniffy
自命不凡的小官:  a jack in office
自命不凡的小官吏:  jack-in-office
自命不凡的蠢家伙:  foolish conceited man esone who pays too much attention to his clothes
自命不凡的讨厌鬼:  stuffed shirt
自命不凡的小官员:  jack in office
Example Sentences:
1.That new employee is a stuffed shirt .
2.You're all of you cold, perfect, arrogant people .
3.You're all of you cold, perfect, arrogant people .
4.She was wondering if she were not a cold, hard, priggish person .
5.Mr fix evidently was not wanting in a tinge of self - conceit
6.Your neighbour ' s a bit of a stuffed shirt . he seems very proud and serious , and he never smiles of jokes with anyone
7.A very superior persom was walking round an art exhibition , when he paused . " i suppose this hideous monstrosity is what they call modern art ! " he told an attendant
一位自命不凡的人在参观一个艺术展览。他停了下来,对一位工作人员说: “我想这一可怕的奇形怪状的东西就是所谓的现代艺术! ”
8.Being a rather vain man , he complained in “ the fairy tale of my life , ” one of three autobiographies he wrote , that people were not interested in his “ serious ” writing
Similar Words:
"自名昭著的,声名狼藉的" English translation, "自命" English translation, "自命不凡" English translation, "自命不凡的" English translation, "自命不凡的蠢家伙" English translation, "自命不凡的讨厌鬼" English translation, "自命不凡的小官" English translation, "自命不凡的小官吏" English translation, "自命不凡的小官员" English translation, "自命的演员" English translation