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English translation for "自主管理"

autonomous management
manage independently

Related Translations:
自主:  1.(自己做主) act on one's own; be one's own master; decide for oneself; keep the initiative in one's own hands 短语和例子独立自主 independently and with the initiative in one's own hands; 自主管理 manage i
自主程度:  degree of autonomy
自主工作组:  autonomous work group
自主知识产权:  independent intellectual property rightsproprietary intellectual property rights
意志自主:  autonomy of will
自主决定:  decide on one's own
自主事务:  autonomous transaction
自主技术:  autonomous technologyindependent technology
自主复制:  self-replicating
自主国:  sovereign
Example Sentences:
1.Self management by baoshan iron amp; amp; steel co . , ltd
2.The education guideline and curriculum for master degree of project management in quebec
3.Self - management , hard - working , independent and able to deal with pressure
4.Study of independent management by college students in new campus ' transitional reading - rooms
5.The new york stock exchange was a non profit organization that was largely self supervising
6.As the owners of the properties , property owners have the right to manage the properties by themselves or by their autonomous organization , this named independent management
7.This paper introduced the relative determination method of odour , the simple method for enterprises to manage on the spot and the using cases of smell sensor
8.Article 38 institutions of higher learning independently administer and use the property provided by the sponsor ( s ) , state financial subsidy and properties donated and granted in accordance with law
9.The schoolmaster should apply psychological skill and intensity the communication with the family in the management of class which is based on the purpose of overall development and self - management of the students
10.An autonomic manager kind of like a little rules engine monitors input from sensors , analyzes the input , and uses the information to plan decisions and execute appropriate actions . that s how websphere xd operates
一台自主管理器(类似于一台小型规则引擎)监控从传感器获取的输入,分析输入,并运用这些信息制定计划、执行正确的操作,这就是websphere xd的运作过程。
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