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English translation for "自主决定"

decide on one's own

Related Translations:
自主:  1.(自己做主) act on one's own; be one's own master; decide for oneself; keep the initiative in one's own hands 短语和例子独立自主 independently and with the initiative in one's own hands; 自主管理 manage i
自主程度:  degree of autonomy
自主工作组:  autonomous work group
自主知识产权:  independent intellectual property rightsproprietary intellectual property rights
意志自主:  autonomy of will
自主管理:  autonomous managementmanage independently
自主事务:  autonomous transaction
自主技术:  autonomous technologyindependent technology
自主复制:  self-replicating
自主国:  sovereign
Example Sentences:
1.Self directed positive change builds a culture of change
2.That means employees will have rights to determine their salary with their employers
3.If he is not satisfied with your work , he has the full power to get you out of the lab because he is the one who pays you
4.Client authorizes attorneys to incur all reasonable costs and to hire any consultants or expert witnesses reasonably necessary in attorneys ' judgment
5.It provides users with the freedom to determine the order and depth in which they want to describe data and retains complete information users express
这种方式下,用户可以自主决定病历信息的表述顺序和表述深度(当然是在符合基本的病历结构前提下) ,用户表述的信息可以完整的保留。
6.Article 5 the ffes may decide by themselves the time , conditions and ways of the employment and the number of personnel they employ in line with relevant state laws and administrative regulations
7.Employing : foreign - funded enterprises can determine their institutional and personnel systems on their own and are free to decide the time , scale , conditions , and patterns of their employing activity
8.And certainly , as before , our efforts will remain focused on the settlement of regional conflicts , primarily in the middle east and in iraq , and on stabilizing the situation in afghanistan
9.Examined and approved by the administration of foreign exchange control , foreign - funded enterprises can sell their revenue in foreign currencies , foreign investment , etc . on the swap market
10.A consumer shall have the right to freely choose a business operator providing commodities or services , types of commodity and modes of service and whether to purchase a commodity or receive a service
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