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English translation for "脾气虚"

deficency of the splinic qi
deficiencyof spleen-energy
hypofunction of the spleen
pi qu xu spleen qi vacuity

Related Translations:
脾气:  1.(性情) temperament; disposition 短语和例子脾气多变的人 a man with an uncertain temper; 倔强的脾气 a rebellious temper; 脾气很好 have a good temper; 脾气暴躁 have a fierce disposition; be of a bad temper; have a b
脾气不合:  be temperamentally incompatible
脾气坏:  bad tempercurmudgeonill nature
暴躁脾气:  grumble
脾气热:  pyretic splenic qi
乱发脾气:  jumon someone
拧脾气:  inat
脾气随和:  have an amiable disposition
脾气粗暴:  like a bear with a sore head
脾气盛:  excessive splenoqi
Example Sentences:
1.The rudin rntary research of animal model standardization of spleen - qi deficiency syndr
2.The traditional and modern interpretation of spleen - qi deficiency syndrome of diabetes mellitus
3.Study on correlativity between deficiency of spleen - qi and apoptosis controlling gene in gastric mucosa in chronic gastritis
4.Objective to set a quantified standard ( including quantified diagnosis standard and classification standard ) on spleen - deficiency syndrome of primary liver cancer ( plc )
摘要目的建立原发性肝癌脾气虚证量化标准(包括量化诊断标准和程度分级标准) 。
5.Conclusions the quantified standard on spleen - deficiency syndrome of plc has its characteristics : accordance with clinical characteristic of plc ; rigorous statistical methods ; religious examination ; elmira1 applied value
6.Methods identify spleen - deficiency syndrome according to relevant referenced standard on the basis of survey on clinical epidemiology and evaluate its correlative factors on the basis of difference of their appearance between spleen - deficiency syndrome and non - spleen - deficiency syndrome , and then set its quantified diagnosis standard and test its at last set the classification standard
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