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English translation for "乱发脾气"

jumon someone

Related Translations:
乱发:  tousle
乱发奖金:  indiscriminate issuing of bonuses
乱发纸币:  shinplaster
乱发蓬:  cowlick
一团乱发:  a mass of loose hair
额前乱发:  cowlick
蓬头乱发的:  shock headed
脾气不合:  be temperamentally incompatible
脾气坏:  bad tempercurmudgeonill nature
Example Sentences:
1.He jumped on me when he learned that i've made his secret open .
2.What's the matter with you today? have you got out of the bed on the wrong side ?
3.Even if it's true, you still have to look at reality, not throw tantrums .
4.Am i out of line , or is this guy pushing me
5.When frustrated , you may become abusive and display much temper
6.If i had lost my temper . .
7.If i had lost my temper
8.But you still cant completely control your mind and heart . you lose your temper and want to beat people up
9.While gallacher ' s 81 goals in 144 games is was a good return , he is remembered just as much for his indiscipline and volatile temper
10.I do not say gossip , no lost my temper disorderly , not greedy , cynical character , nor obscene and vulgar , selfish or willful indulgence , and for this i am very grateful
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