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English translation for "脸色严峻"

one's face is stern.; be stern-faced

Related Translations:
经受严峻考验:  be subjected to severe tests
脸色:  1.(气色) complexion; look 短语和例子他这几天脸色好。 he looks well these days.2.(表情) facial expression; face; expression; visage; countenance; puss 短语和例子观察人的脸色 read one's face; 他脸色苍白。 his face blanched.
脸色焦黄:  sallow face
脸色不好:  have a poor complexion look pale
脸色的:  complexional
脸色发白:  white about the gills
脸色好看:  have lovely complexion
脸色不对:  sick or unhealthy appearance
脸色阴郁:  have a face like [as long as] a fiddle
脸色苍白:  green about the gillsgreen around the gillslook greenpale about the gillspale around the gills
Example Sentences:
1.Laban tall's lips were thin, and his face was rigid .
2.Laban tall ' s lips were thin , and his face was rigid
Similar Words:
"脸色焦黄" English translation, "脸色蜡黄" English translation, "脸色青黄" English translation, "脸色铁青" English translation, "脸色象铅一样了无生气" English translation, "脸色严肃像抹了石膏" English translation, "脸色一沉" English translation, "脸色阴沉" English translation, "脸色阴沉的" English translation, "脸色阴郁" English translation