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English translation for "肆意诬蔑"

wantonly slander

Related Translations:
诬蔑:  slander; vilify; smear; calumniate; defile; sully 短语和例子造谣诬蔑 calumny and slander; rumourmongering and mudslinging; 诬蔑不实之词 slander and libel; slanders and false charges; 诬蔑性的字眼 smear word
任意诬蔑:  wantonly vilify
诬蔑不实之词:  slander and libelslanders and false charges
横加诬蔑:  slander wildly
放肆诬蔑:  wantonly vilify
造谣诬蔑:  start rumours and slanders; calumny and slander; make up stories and hurl venomous shafts at ...; rumourmongering and mudslinging; spread rumours and sling mud at ...; start rumours and sp
肆意:  wantonly; recklessly; willfully; without restraint 短语和例子肆意侮辱 resort to wanton insults; 肆意挥霍 freely squander; 肆意歪曲事实 wantonly distort the facts; 肆意妄为 do what one wishes without restraint; 肆
恶毒的诬蔑:  venomous slander
诬蔑性的字眼:  smear word
恶毒诬蔑的受害者:  a victim of vicious calumnies
Example Sentences:
1.Of the toxic distortions that my husband and , by association , myself ,
2.Of the toxic distortions that my husband and , by association , myself ,
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