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English translation for "聪明过人"

as wise as soloman

Related Translations:
抢先半步过人:  half-step advantage
聪明:  intelligent; bright; clever 短语和例子所有的人都比动物聪明得多。 all human beings are much more intelligent than animals. 她是一个聪明的女孩。 she is a bright [clever] girl
聪明学生:  apt pupilsmart student
聪明帮手:  alfdalfred
装聪明:  sapiencesapiency
聪明有为:  intelligent and promising 短语和例子我们发现这男孩聪明有为。 we found much of intelligence and promise in the boy
聪明成长:  smart growth
小事聪明:  penny wise pound foolish
聪明不用:  smart
聪明智慧:  very intelligent
Example Sentences:
1.I found him highly intelligent and much subtle than his public image .
2.I was only thinking how proud i am to have a more than commonly clever young wife .
3.His intelligence was so formidable and so disciplined that it often overshadowed his personality .
4.I mean , you obviously have pockets of intelligence
5.She is a woman of extraordinary intelligence and ability
6.Tan was and outgoing , active and considered a bright child wh . .
7.Thank you , you ' re very wise
8.@ iwas bornwith a brain
9.You arranged that fight so you could pick his pocket ? you ' re a clever guy
10.Although tom is intelligent and smart , he is too boring , he is not my cup ot tea
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