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English translation for "聪明智慧"

very intelligent

Related Translations:
聪明:  intelligent; bright; clever 短语和例子所有的人都比动物聪明得多。 all human beings are much more intelligent than animals. 她是一个聪明的女孩。 she is a bright [clever] girl
聪明学生:  apt pupilsmart student
聪明帮手:  alfdalfred
装聪明:  sapiencesapiency
聪明有为:  intelligent and promising 短语和例子我们发现这男孩聪明有为。 we found much of intelligence and promise in the boy
聪明成长:  smart growth
小事聪明:  penny wise pound foolish
聪明不用:  smart
聪明过人:  as wise as soloman
事后聪明:  afterwit
Example Sentences:
1.The people of sichuan are hardworking , intelligent , creative and courageous in action
2.Pray for 10th anniversity , especially for the drama team , pray god can help them for writing the script
3.Meditation is just to fill our tank with some more cleverness and intelligence , so that we can know what to do
4.In our culture , the bird owl is a symbol of misfortune but in other cultures it represents intelligence and wisdom
5.This disharmony in the emotional being can cause many problems in the physical body , such as stomach and breathing disorders
6.Pray for our church ' s 2008 ministry . may god grant vision and strength to our pastors and new leadership team
7.This disharmony in the emotional being can cause many problems in the physical body , such as stomach and breathing disorders
8.Pray for our church ' s 2008 ministry . may god grant vision and strength to our pastors and new leadership team
9.Only the lord give thee wisdom and understanding , and give thee charge concerning israel , that thou mayest keep the law of the lord thy god
10." only the lord give you discretion and understanding , and give you charge over israel , so that you may keep the law of the lord your god
代上22 : 11但愿耶和华赐你聪明智慧、好治理以色列国、遵行耶和华你神的律法。
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