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English translation for "联合兼并"

conglomeration and merger of enterprises
vereinigung und fusion f. von unternehmen

Related Translations:
兼并:  merger; annex (territory, property, etc.) 短语和例子土地兼并 annexation of land; 被兼并领土 annexed territory; 事实上兼并 annexation de fait; 用武力兼并邻国领土 annex territories of a neighbouring country by force
兼并公司:  absorbing companyacquiring firmto absorb a firm
兼并收购:  m&am amerger&am acquisitionm&as
密码兼并:  code degeneracy
变相兼并:  merger conversion
兼并重组:  merging and reorganization
收购兼并:  acquisition and mergermerger and acquisition
兼并会计:  merger accounting
企业兼并:  annexation of enterprisebusiness acquisition
兼并浪潮:  merger wave
Example Sentences:
1.The steel trusts merged various small business
2.The steel trusts merged various small businesses
3.Taking a low - costed spread through combination and annexation
4.Second , we must continue to promote the industry structure adjustment , and unswervingly follow the road development groups , enterprises through joint merger , reorganization of assets , etc . , and raise the concentration
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