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English translation for "兼并重组"

merging and reorganization

Related Translations:
兼并:  merger; annex (territory, property, etc.) 短语和例子土地兼并 annexation of land; 被兼并领土 annexed territory; 事实上兼并 annexation de fait; 用武力兼并邻国领土 annex territories of a neighbouring country by force
联合兼并:  conglomeration and merger of enterprisesvereinigung und fusion f. von unternehmen
兼并公司:  absorbing companyacquiring firmto absorb a firm
兼并收购:  m&am amerger&am acquisitionm&as
密码兼并:  code degeneracy
变相兼并:  merger conversion
收购兼并:  acquisition and mergermerger and acquisition
兼并会计:  merger accounting
企业兼并:  annexation of enterprisebusiness acquisition
兼并浪潮:  merger wave
Example Sentences:
1.Annexation and reorganization of enterprises
2.Analysis of merger and reconstruction game in international ocean shipping industry
3.Study on anticipation and warp to annexation and reorganization of state - ownd enterprises
4.But the result of m & a is not as the same simple as that of one adds one equals two
而企业兼并重组的结果并非象1 + 1 = 2那样简单。
5.The development of chinese enterprises has been entered into the new period of developing by the annex and recombination
6.Subsequently , income decreased , market is activated , m & a boosted , and innovation motivated
7.Meanwhile , the feasibility of the strategic target is studied in the paper in accordance with the present situation of changsha city commercial bank
8.We find out the reasons of its getting into crisis and the successful factors of its annex and recombination by the case analysis
9.Because the market changes fast , the ways for merger and recombination of pharmacy enterprises are often plural , many kinds of ways are used
10.The mergers and acquisitions ( m & a ) , which were very popular in america in1980 ' s , are spread all over the world in 21 century
Similar Words:
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