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English translation for "特曾"


Related Translations:
王曾:  wang zeng
詹曾:  janzen
曾盈:  ying zeng
曾琦:  zeng qi
曾广宇:  zeng guangyu
曾宪林:  zeng xianlin
伊曾吾:  isogo
曾路地:  soroji
夏曾筑:  xia zengzhu
科曾斯:  cozens
Example Sentences:
1.First he established the fact that whittet had been convicted of grand larceny .
2.We visited the church where schubert sang in the choir
3.Bobby brewster was arrested in july for domestic dispute
4.Before becoming a grifter , albert used to be a shoe salesman in the american mid - west
5.Van der sloot has said he left holloway on a beach near her hotel after they had kissed
6.Many a time afterwards had hester been tortured , though less vividly , by the same illusion
7.The swiss literary scholar peter von matt called it a " nerve centre of all german - language literature " . the literary colloquium
瑞士文学家彼得?冯?马特曾把这家沙龙比喻为“整个德语文学的神经中心” 。
8.By television star nicolas hulot , who has threatened to run for president unless mainstream politicians do more for the environment
9.Albert pine said , " what we do for ourselves dies with us . what we do for others and the world remains and is immortal .
10.Buffett applied to harvard business school but was turned down in what had to be one of the worst admissions decisions in harvard history
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