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English translation for "照章"

[ zhàozhāng ] 
act in accordance with the regulations

Related Translations:
照章纳税:  deliver taxes as required
照章办理:  act according to rulesact in accordance with rules
照章行事:  go by the book
Example Sentences:
1.Get up to speed , miss norris . one more of those . closed for good
2.Get up to speed , miss norris . one more of those . . . closed for good
3.Instead , they depend on their ability to convince member states to do the right thing
4.There is nothing really wrong to go by the book , except that it makes us no different from machines
5.The employer used his secretary as a rubber stamp and never listened to any of her own suggestions
6." if you are a contractor playing it straight , you can have a hard time getting things done , " a housing developer said
一个房屋建筑商说, "如果你是一个照章行事的包商,你的事就别想顺利办成。
7.Your challenge is to write instructions and manuals that are so inviting and easy to use that people decide to read and follow them
8.Plan sensibly : write down how much you expect to spend for food and hotels . stick to your plan or you may not have enough money to cover everything
9.However for a long period of time , due to various causes , many teachers have taught it as a descriptive course not only in contents but also in methods
10.Export products from places outside the development zones or exported on behalf of others outside the zones , for which the material processing of value added less than 20 % , shall also be subject to duty - payment according to the regulations
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