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English translation for "照章纳税"

deliver taxes as required

Related Translations:
照章:  act in accordance with the regulations
照章办理:  act according to rulesact in accordance with rules
照章行事:  go by the book
纳税意识:  tax awarenesstax consciousness
纳税后:  after taxaftertax
纳税者 纳税者:  taxpayer
纳税货物:  goods liable to excise
纳税责任:  tax liability
实物纳税:  tax payment in kindtax payments in kind
纳税单据:  tax invoice
Example Sentences:
1.It will make university - run enterprises a marketing main part of assuming limited liability , running by themselves , assuming sole responsibility for its profits or losses and paying rate according to law , which can help assume the responsibility of maintaining and increasing the value of state - owned assets , safeguarding the university ' s legal interests and avoiding effectively the marketing venture
2.Outside company to north downtown melon a starshine on the harm the barium wrings the for making outside the company invests the item can obtain the result as soon as possible , the north downtown government synthesizes the area an advantage between characteristics and north downtown that consideration protect settles , programing and guide related item and business enterprises to some a the district comes together , hoping effort that through several years , can become to have the north downtown gradually characteristic three produce to develop the area , industry develops the area , high - tech demonstration park area . 1 , the superhighway leads the way , 107 country way two outside wreath in sides , easts road district of " three produce to develop the area " , release a batch of amusement parks
3.We believe that , from the perspective of the relationship between enterprise and society , the content of esr includes : operating legally and paying tax according to policy ; cherishing resources and protecting environment ; emphasizing on security and treasuring life ; helping the weak and serving the community ; protecting benefits of consumers ; setting up a good public profile and well dealing with the relationship with financial institution , other enterprises and stockholders
Similar Words:
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