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English translation for "此时此地"

here and now; under the present circumstances

Related Translations:
此地安息非凡王:  here lies a great and mighty king
就在此时此地:  right here and now
重返此地怕是痴想:  i doubted if i should ever come back
此时:  this moment; right now; now; at present; for the time being
此地盛产水果尤以梨桃著称:  the place abounds with fruit especially pears and peaches
此地餐厅多集中在那一区:  where is the main area for restaurants
在天使的怀里飞离此地:  in the arms of the angel far away from here
惜此时:  in the morning it cherish the time that is left you don
天堂此时:  paradise now
此时在:  systemapp
Example Sentences:
1.Let's stick to here and now .
2.There seems to be an extraordinary number of people around for this time of day .
3.You always believe somehow that the world will end with your death .
4.Here the lot of men born of the flesh is but to endure midst toil and tribulation .
5.With all his jokes, if ever a man looked as though he needed a drink, it was willie at this moment .
6.The fertility of this period and place owed a great deal to the strong collective sense of purpose developed by chicago sociologists .
7.How do you conceive your own death in all the marble vaults, the brick ridges, and the furnaces that lead to the market place ?
8.At this particular time and place , to do my work ,
9.I want my bike back , and i want it here and now
10.All of life is exactly where he is
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