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English translation for "此时此刻"

at this very moment; this hour and moment

Related Translations:
此时:  this moment; right now; now; at present; for the time being
惜此时:  in the morning it cherish the time that is left you don
天堂此时:  paradise now
此时在:  systemapp
正在此时:  this is the time(with wynonna)
此时以前:  heretofore
直到此时:  until now formerly
明年此时:  same time, next year
此时此地:  here and now; under the present circumstances
去年此时:  this time last year
Example Sentences:
1.This is the majesty and the meaning of this moment .
2.At this moment, thoughts of celia were a digression .
3.They obeyed him because they were passive now .
4.I should dearly love to embrace my former friends at this moment .
5.Could sir thomas look in upon us just now, he would bless himself .
6.Such questions, at such an hour, were bound to drift through his mind .
7.She would carry to the grave the memory of his grace and humility at that moment .
8.A companion would have been a distraction, diluting the pathos of the moment .
9.Now, incongruously, ridiculously, she found herself longing for a cheese sandwich .
10.His faith in himself had been shattered and now he felt rootless and adrift .
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