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English translation for "极显著"

very significant

Related Translations:
收效显著:  yield notable results
显著域:  region of significance
显著相关:  significant correlation
显著减速:  noticeable deceleration
显著增加:  increase significantly
显著水平:  conspicuous levellevel of significancesignificance levelsignificant level
显著特征:  dominant featuremarked featureoutstanding featuresalient attribute
成果显著:  yield impressive results
显著差别:  marked differencesignificant difference
显著优点:  prerogative
Example Sentences:
1.However the variations were shown mainly among individual trees
2.Phosphorus x . and desorbed phosphorus had mighty notability reverse correlation
土壤磷x _ m和解吸量有极显著的反相关。
3.There was significantly positive correlation between wsp content and viscosity
4.But a negative significant partial correlation was found between 1000 - grain weight and grain numbers per spike
5.In social morality , the score of the students of arts is much higher than that of the students of science
6.Results : there is significance difference for germination in the seeds of different storage life
7.Result : the differences of vision and degrees of refraction of before and after the treatment are very notable
8.According to the analysis , the above three factors have an extremely significant positive correlation in the same scale
9.The results were showed : t . mongolicum and t . gambasum circles could promote the dry above ground biomass of the community obviously
10.The x2 test is lower , and the spearman rank correlation test is better than pearson test
X ~ 2检验呈显著、极显著相关的种对数少于相关分析和秩相关分析, spearman秩相关分析优于pearson相关分析。
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