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English translation for "收效显著"

yield notable results

Related Translations:
收效:  yield results; produce effects; bear fruit 短语和例子收效甚微 produce very little effect; 收效显著 bear rich fruit; produce notable effect
收效神速:  obtain instant results
收效甚微:  produce very little effect
收效甚速:  produce quick results
我收效好:  i receive well
你收效好吗:  do you receive well
费力大收效小:  the mountain in labour
每日平均交收效率:  daily average settlement efficiency
成本低收效大的:  cost-effective
极显著:  very significant
Example Sentences:
1.Kicac paid compensation worth 268 , 868 , 000 won in 19 cases , and has seen remarkable results in 2005
2005年,南韩廉政公署在19宗个案合共支付了268 , 868 , 000韩圆的赔偿,而且收效显著
2.Remote - field eddy current - based non - destructive inspection technology has been widely used in advanced nations with significant effectiveness
3.Maldies says simple modifications such as buying energy saving appliances or turning off unused machines and lights can make a big difference
4.Arising in the late 1970 ' s , strategic management is a new form of management and rising subject . in the recent ten years , with its rapid development , it has been widely used and has brought notable results
5.The author thinks that from point of view of public relations , the policy of running dagong newspaper , namely " non - party , unselfish , refuse selling , not follow blindly " , is the idea of public relations of xinji dagong newspaper . the policy commands all the sense and actions of xinji dagong newspaper public relations . xinji dagong newspaper has strong consciousness to readers , consciousness of responsibility , consciousness of communication , consciousness of image , consciousness of harmonization , consciousness of being open , etc . with these consciousnesses , xinji dagong newspaper takes explicit , effective measures of public relations
作者认为:从公共关系角度看, “不党、不私、不卖、不盲”的办报方针就是新记大公报的公关理念,它统率着大公报的所有公关意识和行动;新记大公报具有强烈的读者意识、责任意识、沟通意识、形象意识、协调意识、开放意识等;在这些意识的驱动下,该报开展了目标明确、收效显著的公关工作。
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