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English translation for "极其深刻"

extremely profound

Related Translations:
深刻的思想:  profundity
极其痛苦:  she gripped the tree in excruciating pain
极其微小:  diminutiveness
极其无聊:  be for the birds
极其重要:  be of prime importance
极其疲乏:  wear out entirely
极其厌恶:  revulse
极其拥挤:  overcrowding
极其无能:  egregious incompetence cowardice etc
极其高兴:  be heartily glad pleased relieved upset etc
Example Sentences:
1.It was an imposing scene, into which deerslayer now found himself advancing .
2.It displayed so much of the imposing scene at a single view .
3.He could speak five languages, and the range and depth of his knowledge was profoundly impressive .
4.It gives him the sharpest sense of his own identity, as well as the conditions of efficient work .
5.One day he saw lincoln--a tall, shambling man, long, bony, gawky, but tremendously impressive .
6.Great change has taken place in china since the reform began . era put a new challenge to education
7.One day he saw lincoln - - a tall , shambling man , long , bony , gawky , but tremendously impressive
有一天他看见林肯- -一个脚步踉踉的高个子,又瘦又长,笨手笨脚的,但是给人以极其深刻的印象。
8.Franz had by degrees become accustomed to the count s pallor , which had so forcibly struck him at their first meeting
9.The fast growth of modern science and technology , especially high technology , has transformed warfare , and resulted in the change of mode and means of warfare operations
10.It is known as a historical accumulate culture , which has an extremely deep and rich content . culture value has exceeding influence on public opinion , thought pattern , action pattern of leaders
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