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English translation for "极其微小"


Related Translations:
极其痛苦:  she gripped the tree in excruciating pain
极其无聊:  be for the birds
极其重要:  be of prime importance
极其疲乏:  wear out entirely
极其厌恶:  revulse
极其拥挤:  overcrowding
极其无能:  egregious incompetence cowardice etc
极其深刻:  extremely profound
极其高兴:  be heartily glad pleased relieved upset etc
极其严肃:  deadly seriousness
Example Sentences:
1.The individual cup is microscopic but the large colonies may be several inches across .
2.He discovered some pinpoint particles in the liquid
3.Bacteria are extremely small living things
4.The technology in question contains very tiny silicate particles suspended in a fluid
5.We have concluded that these levels are minute and the paper products are safe for consumer use
6.As a philosopher he knew that at the termination of any allotted life only an infinitesimal part of any person s desires has been realised
7.The parallel between a single individual ' s success and the bootstrap effort of the mass of ghetto youth is and remains too tenuous 微小 to comport with reality
8.The lion of this land , the creature at the top of the food chain , is a bacteria - eating nematode , a microscopic worm that can survive years of being freeze - dried
9.Vinci is my idol . i hope i will become such a genius like him . i am interest in everything . . . but now i am only good at play games
10.Spintronic devices are easy on batteries , because spin - flipping operations consume very little power and the chips can shut off between operations
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