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English translation for "制订预算"


Related Translations:
制订:  work [map] out; formulate; draw up; evolve 短语和例子制订方案 work out a scheme; 开会制订今年的生产计划 hold a meeting to draw up this year's production plans; 制订一个解决问题的方法 evolve a solution for the problem
制订出:  evoke
制订定额:  levelinglevelling
定额制订:  rate fixing
制订计划:  chartlay a courseplanning
制订政策:  policy makingpolicymaking
食谱制订:  arrangement of menumenu planning
制订短期计划:  short-range planning
赶制订单:  expedite order
标准制订机构:  standards organizations
Example Sentences:
1.In the course of preparing this budget , i have received suggestions from many people that the five - year limit for this tax deduction should be extended
2.In the course of preparing this budget , i have received suggestions from many people that the five - year limit for this tax deduction should be extended
3.At last month s public consultation forum , i said that confidence in our future , care and fairness would be my guiding principles in preparing the budget
4.77 . in the course of preparing this budget , i have received suggestions from many people that the five - year limit for this tax deduction should be extended
77 .在制订预算案期间,很多市民建议我延长居所贷款利息支出五年的扣除期限。
5.At last month s public consultation forum , i said that confidence in our future , care and fairness would be my guiding principles in preparing the budget
6.68 . at last month s public consultation forum , i said that confidence in our future , care and fairness would be my guiding principles in preparing the budget
68 .我在上月出席公众谘询大会时表示,我会以信心爱心及公平为原则去制订预算案。
7.To prepare project estimates , undertake contract procurement and administration , settle accounts and contractual disputes for government building projects , including building maintenance projects
8.Despite additional financial commitments as a result of implementing measures to prevent epidemics and extend temporary jobs , however , and in order to demonstrate our commitment to streamline our establishment and reduce expenditure , i am still holding government operating expenditure for 2004 - 05 to the level of 212 . 2 billion as pledged in last year s budget , but which had not taken into account such expenditure items
虽然预防疫症及延续短期就业等措施会带来额外的财政承担,而去年制订预算案时并没有将这些开支计算在内,但我仍将二四五年度的政府经营开支,维持在去年预算案订下的2 , 122亿元水平。这显示我们精简架构善用资源的决心。
9.They miscalculated on two counts . first , they did not factor in the need for the hksar government funding this year s budget deficit , unexpected at the time when the budget was drawn up , through a draw down of foreign reserves . and so the currency board adjustment mechanism involving sharply higher interest rates was not triggered
10.Despite additional financial commitments as a result of implementing measures to prevent epidemics and extend temporary jobs , however , and in order to demonstrate our commitment to streamline our establishment and reduce expenditure , i am still holding government operating expenditure for 2004 - 05 to the level of $ 212 . 2 billion as pledged in last year s budget , but which had not taken into account such expenditure items
虽然预防疫症及延续短期就业等措施会带来额外的财政承担,而去年制订预算案时并没有将这些开支计算在内,但我仍将二四五年度的政府经营开支,维持在去年预算案订下的2 , 122亿元水平。这显示我们精简架构、善用资源的决心。
Similar Words:
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