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English translation for "制订政策"

policy making

Related Translations:
制订:  work [map] out; formulate; draw up; evolve 短语和例子制订方案 work out a scheme; 开会制订今年的生产计划 hold a meeting to draw up this year's production plans; 制订一个解决问题的方法 evolve a solution for the problem
制订预算:  budgeting
制订出:  evoke
制订定额:  levelinglevelling
定额制订:  rate fixing
制订计划:  chartlay a courseplanning
食谱制订:  arrangement of menumenu planning
制订短期计划:  short-range planning
赶制订单:  expedite order
标准制订机构:  standards organizations
Example Sentences:
1.It has any policy of vigorously combating triad activities ; if so , what the details are ; and
2." the survey results enable the commission and policy makers to understand the situation in greater depth
3.These shortcomings and inadequacies have undermined the credibility of our policy - making capability and our ability to govern
4.We recommend that the hong kong government will adopt it as the blueprint document for providing policy and funding support
5.The major findings and recommendations served as the key reference for the council operation improvements and assessing council s positioning
6.Whether it has formulated any policy regarding making such school facilities available for public use ; if so , what the details are
7.As the general principles for policy formulation were agreed , it was time to translate the broad directions into more concrete action plans
8.Assisting policy bureaux in formulating policy and , specifically , ensuring that the financial implications of policy proposals are taken fully into account
9.Assisting policy bureaux in formulating policy and , specifically , ensuring that the financial implications of policy proposals are taken fully into account
10.Creation of a common vision for all those concerned with land use , major project development , policy formulation and economic development
Similar Words:
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