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English translation for "交易时间"

exchange hour

Related Translations:
分批交易:  delivery of goods by installment
免税交易:  non-taxable transactionstax-free transaction
交易部位:  trading position
交易日期:  date of transactiontrade date
交易回合:  round-turn
交易过量:  overtrading
交易中心:  etckifathe cyprus trade centertrading center
交易证券:  trading securities
暂停交易:  suspend tradingtrading suspended
账面交易:  book-keeping transaction
Example Sentences:
1.Hat is the trading hours for each type of transaction
7 .投资人买卖上柜股票之交易时间为何?
2.Q7 . what is the trading hours for each type of transaction
Q7 .投资人买卖上柜股票之交易时间为何?
3.Out - of - hours trading
4.Trading hours of sehk
5.Leveraged trading - 12 . 5 times or 16 . 6 times the value of your margin deposit
6.14 . what type of information can be obtained by investors after trading hours
Q19 .在交易时间终了后有哪些收市行情资讯可供投资人参考?
7.Q3 - 14 . what type of information can be obtained by investors after trading hours
Q19 .在交易时间终了后有哪些收市行情资讯可供投资人参考
8.In some cases this phrase denotes the period already passed in which trading has already occurred
9.13 . what kind of real - time information can be obtained by investors during trading hours
Q18 .交易时间内有哪些即时交易资讯可供投资人参考?
10.Q3 - 13 . what kind of real - time information can be obtained by investors during trading hours
Q18 .交易时间内有哪些即时交易资讯可供投资人参考
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