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English translation for "主教团"


Related Translations:
主教:  [宗教] bishop 短语和例子大主教 archbishop; 名誉主教 vicar apostolic; 定座主教 residential bishop; 代理主教 vicar general; 红衣主教 cardinal; 无定座主教 titular bishop; 荣座总主教 primate
主教辖区:  episco pate
主教信:  pastoral letter
教区主教:  diocesan
主教学院:  diocesan college
辅助主教:  auxiliary bishop
和主教:  bishopiazzoli louis mem
主教教堂:  dom der -e
拉丁美洲主教会:  celamlatin american episcopal council
全国主教会议:  national conference of bishops
Example Sentences:
1.Chinese catholic bishops college
2.China catholic bishop college
3.The assistant secretary general of the federation of asian bishops conference has his office in hong kong
4.These norms , which would serve as the basis for ecclesiastical legislation in individual american dioceses , were approved by the holy see on 8 december last year
5.Similarly , the philippine government ' s ambitious plan to bring in billions of dollars to develop 24 “ priority ” mining projects is under attack from environmentalists and the country ' s influential catholic bishops
6.A spokesman for the polish episcopate said the legal basis for the resignation was part of church law requiring a bishop to stand down if he is " unable to properly exercise his office [ and therefore ] is strongly requested to submit his resignation "
波兰主教团发言人称,主教辞职的法理依据源于教会法,教会法要求主教在“无法正常行使职责, [并因此]遭致辞职吁请”时引咎辞职。
7.China has the following national religious organizations : buddhist association of china , taoist association of china , islamic association of china , chinese patriotic catholic association , chinese catholic bishops ' college , three - self patriotic movement committee of the protestant churches of china , and china christian council
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